
The Key to Robust LiDAR-Inertial Localization Lies in Predicting Alignment Risks


SuperLoc: The Key to Robust LiDAR-Inertial Localization Lies in Predicting Alignment Risks

Shibo Zhao*, Honghao Zhu*, Yuanjun Gao, Beomsoo Kim, Yuheng Qiu, Aaron M. Johnson, Sebastian Scherer

*Equal contribution
Carnegie Mellon University

 đź“„Paper    arXiv    Code    Robustness Metrics  
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About SuperLoc

Map-based LiDAR localization, while widely used in autonomous systems, faces significant challenges in degraded environments due to lacking distinct geometric features. This paper introduces SuperLoc, a robust LiDAR localization package that addresses key limitations in existing methods. SuperLoc features a novel predictive alignment risk assessment technique, enabling early detection and mitigation of potential failures before optimization. This approach significantly improves performance in challenging scenarios such as corridors, tunnels, and caves. Unlike existing degeneracy mitigation algorithms that rely on post-optimization analysis and heuristic thresholds, SuperLoc evaluates the localizability of raw sensor measurements. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art methods across various degraded environments. Our approach achieves a 49.7% increase in accuracy and exhibits the highest robustness. To facilitate further research, we will release our implementation along with datasets from eight challenging scenarios.

SuperLoc Figure

SuperLoc is to our knowledge the first open-source LiDAR-inertial localization system that not only predicts alignment risks, and estimates the observability of scan, but also can actively incorporate pose priors from other odometry sources before failure occurs. The entire process doesn't require predefined heuristic thresholds to detect degeneration and it has been evaluated in various challenging environments including caves, long corridors, flat open areas, and staircases.



Long Corridor

Comparison with other methods

To benefit the open community, our localization package also includes following features,

Robust Initialization

Transition between mapped and unmapped region

Ground Truth Map

Ground Truth Maps

To benefit the open community, we release the following ground truth maps for localization:


All datasets from our paper is released as follow,

Name Source Location Robot Sensor Trajectory Duration Rosbag Calibration (Extrinsics) Calibration (Intrinsics) GT Map GT Traj.
Cave01 SuperLoc Laurel Craven Handheld RGB,LiDAR,IMU 416 838 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Cave02 SuperLoc Laurel Craven Handheld RGB,LiDAR,IMU 475 986 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Cave03 SubT-MRS Laurel Craven Handheld RGB,LiDAR,IMU 490 768 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Cave04 SuperLoc Laurel Craven Handheld RGB,LiDAR,IMU 597 959 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Corridor01 SubT-MRS Hawkins RC2 RGB,LiDAR IMU 617 279 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Corridor02 SuperLoc Hawkins RC1 RGB,LiDAR IMU 690 893 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Floor01 SubT-MRS Hawkins SP1 RGB,LiDAR,IMU 270 480 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link
Floor02 (bonus) SuperLoc Hawkins SP1 RGB,LiDAR,IMU 410 2190 link Google Baidu Google Baidu link link

Ground truth trajecotry follows TUM format,

timestamp x y z q_x q_y q_z q_w


The authors would like to express sincere thanks to Guofei Chen for helping us collect the dataset. The authors would like to thank Professor Ji Zhang for letting us borrow the Diablo platform and offering constructive advice.


coming soon


If you have any question or want to contribute this work, please feel free to send email to Shibo Zhao ( Thank you! :)